Role Management
Build Profile Permissions
Permissions can be customized for build profiles.
Permission | Explanation |
Manager | The user can view and download logs, change configuration, workflows, and triggers and start building. |
Operator | The user can only start the build, view logs, and download logs. |
Viewer | The user can only view and download logs. |
None | The user cannot reach any details about build profiles. |
Manager or Operator Build Profile permission can distribute binary if user has Manager or Operator Distribution permission.
Manager or Operator Build Profile permission can publish if user has Manager or Operator Publish Android/iOS permission.
Manager, Operator and Viewer Build Profile permissions can view self-hosted runners but cannot modify the configuration.
Only Manager permission can view the configurations, workflows, and triggers.
Environment Variable Permissions
Permissions can be customized for environment variables.
Permission | Explanation |
Manager | The user can see variable groups, including their details, add new variables, and delete existing variable groups or variables. |
Viewer | The user can only see variable groups and their details. |
None | The user cannot reach any details about environment variables. |
Manager, Operator and Viewer Environment Variable permissions can use variable groups in build profile configuration.
Signing Identity Management Permissions
Permissions can be customized for signing identity management.
Permission | Explanation |
Manager | The user can see, delete, and add new certificates, provisioning profiles, keystores, and signing history. |
Viewer | The user can only see certificates, provisioning profiles, keystores, and signing history. |
None | The user cannot reach any details about signing identity. |
Manager, Operator and Viewer Signing Identity Management permissions can use signing identities in build profile configuration.
Distribution Profile Permissions
Permissions can be customized for distribution profiles.
Permission | Explanation |
Manager | The user can see, create, and delete new distribution profiles and Apple Devices and customize their settings. |
Operator | The user can only send to testing groups and view distribution profiles and Apple Devices, App Versions Report, and App Sharing Report. |
Viewer | The user can only view distribution profiles and Apple Devices, App Versions Report, and App Sharing Report. |
None | The user cannot reach any details about distribution profiles, Apple Devices, App Versions Report, and App Sharing Report. |
Manager or Operator Distribution Profile permission can send to enterprise app store if user has Manager, Uploader or Operator Enterprise App Store permission.
Manager or Operator Distribution Profile permission can send to publish if user has Manager or Operator Publish Android and Manager or Operator iOS permission.
Manager or Operator Distribution Profile permission can resign binary if user has Manager or Viewer Signing Identity Management permission.
Testing Group Permissions
Permissions can be customized for testing groups.
Permission | Explanation |
Manager | The user can see, create, and delete testing groups, and also add or delete new test users from these groups. |
Viewer | The user can only view testing groups and test users. |
None | The user cannot reach any details about the testing group. |
Store Submit Module Permissions
Upload apps to Google Play, Huawei, and App Store.
Permission | Explanation |
Manager Android | The user can upload apps to Google Play and Huawei AppGallery. |
Manager iOS | The user can upload apps only to the App Store. |
Viewer | The user can only view applications and their details belonging to their own organization. |
Google Play and Huawei AppGallery permissions are managed through a single rule. When this rule is used, it will apply to both platforms.
If the user does not have any of these permissions, they will not have access to any details related to the store submit module.
Publish Module iOS Permissions
Publish apps to App Store.
Permission | Explanation |
Manager | The user can make changes to the publish flow, publish settings, start publish to the App Store, add or delete a new app version, and view and download logs. |
Operator | The user can start publishing to the App Store and download artifacts and view publish settings, publish flow, and logs. |
Viewer | The user can only download artifacts and view the iOS application list and logs for the application. |
None | The user cannot reach any details about the iOS Publish. |
Publish Module Android Permissions
Publish apps to Google Play, Huawei.
Permission | Explanation |
Manager | The user can make changes to the publish flow, publish settings, start publish to the Google Play And Huawei AppGallery, add or delete a new app version, and view and download logs. |
Operator | The user can start publishing to the Google Play and Huawei AppGallery and download artifacts and view publish settings, publish flow, and logs. |
Viewer | The user can only download artifacts and view the Android application list and logs for the application. |
None | The user cannot reach any details about the Android Publish. |
Google Play and Huawei AppGallery permissions are managed through a single rule. When this rule is used, it will apply to both platforms.
Publish Variables permissions in the Publish module are dependent on the iOS or Android permissions that you configure for the Publish module.
For instance, when you give "viewer" permission to a user for iOS or Android, this permission will also make the user "viewer" for the Publish Variables. When you give "manager" permission to a user for iOS or Android, this permission also makes the user "manager" for the Publish Variables.
Enterprise App Store Permissions
Manage and Upload Apps to Enterprise App Store.
Permission | Explanation |
Manager | The user can do anything Uploader can do and modify Enterprise Settings including create/update/delete store authentication (LDAP, SSO and Static Login), customize the store and modify store domain settings. |
Uploader | The user can only create/update/delete enterprise app store profiles, create/update/delete app versions, publish/notify to beta/live stores, download artifacts and view the profiles. |
Operator | The user can only publish/notify to beta/live stores, download artifacts and view the profiles. |
Viewer | The user can only view the profiles. |
None | The user cannot reach any details about the Enterprise App Store. |
Organization Management Permissions
The user can create an organization or sub-organization within license limits, add and remove members, and manage their permissions.
Also, the user can view self-hosted runners and change configuration.
Permission | Explanation |
Manager | The user can manage all member permissions and other organization properties mentioned above within license limits. |
Billing Management Permissions
Manage the subscription, payment details, and invoices.
Permission | Explanation |
Manager | The user can manage subscriptions, payment details, and invoices. |
Third-Party Connection Management Permissions
Connect to or disconnect from third-party service providers such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Play Developer API Keys, App Store Connect API Keys, Huawei AppGallery Developer API Keys, etc.
Permission | Explanation |
Manager | The user can manage third-party service provider connections and disconnections. |
The permissions of the Store Submit module affect the visibility of online stores connections.